Our clients include corporations, partnerships and other business entities which interact with an administrative decision maker such as an administrative tribunal, a licensing body, or a regulator.
We assist clients through the administrative decision process in a pro-active way in order to help obtain a favourable result. Toward this end, we assist with applications and submissions made to regulators, licensors and other administrative decision makers. We also represent our clients at hearings held by administrative decision makers.
If an administrative decision is made against the interests of a client, we help to challenge those decisions, through the Courts, on judicial review.
We have assisted our clients with a wide range of administrative law issues such as:
- employment regulations;
- utility regulations;
- professional regulations;
- governance issues; and
- business regulations and liquor or gaming licenses.
Administrative law requires a wide range of knowledge spanning all of the statutory environments in which decisions are made. This practice requires lawyers who are experienced, creative, strategic, strong advocates and good negotiators. They require the analytical and interpretation skills of a solicitor with the tenacity and cutting logic of a litigator. They are able to fight hard when needed but also understand the value of crafting solutions that allow the administrative decision maker to fulfill their mandate in a manner which best reflects the interests of the client. In other words, your choice of lawyer can make all of the difference.