In January 2003 Harris & Company counsel were successful in securing an Interim Order from the Labour Relations Board declaring strike and picketing activity by the Hospital Employees’ Union to be illegal.
After hearing from the parties, the Board determined that the strike and picking activity was illegal and issued the following Interim Order:
- HEU and its members must immediately refrain from declaring or authorizing a strike
- HEU members must immediately refrain from participating in or continuing to strike
- HEU and its members must immediately refrain from picketing at or near any and all health sector employer sites
- HEU and its members must not attend at health care sector employer sites and attempt to persuade other persons from entering these sites
- HEU must immediately communicate the Interim Order to its shop stewards and must post the Order on its website for 30 days.
The Order was filed in the BC Supreme Court and remains in force until cancelled by the Board or the Court.