PHO issues order imposing increased restrictions on restaurants

On July 23, 2020, British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer issued a new order at food and drink establishments, which replaces the food and drink establishment order dated June 19, 2020. The most notable changes between these two orders include the general prohibition against serving patrons while standing, increased focus on measures to prevent patron congregation, … Continued

PHO Issues New Order Regarding Mass Gatherings

On May 22, 2020, British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer issued a new order with respect to the holding of events with more than 50 persons (“mass gathering events”). This order replaces her original mass gathering order dated March 16, 2020, which we wrote about here. The new order continues to prohibit the hosting of any … Continued

PHO Issues New Orders Regarding Personal Services Businesses, Restaurants and Pubs

On May 14, 2020, Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry signed new orders as part of the Province’s phased re-opening. These orders allow for the re-opening of personal services, and, subject to certain rules, in-person patronage of restaurants, cafes and pubs. Personal Service Establishments Effective Tuesday May 19, 2020, personal service establishments — such as barbers, … Continued