COVID-19: FAQ’s and what to do next

On March 12, 2020, the British Columbia government Provincial Health Officer and Minister of Health issued a joint communication that includes the following directions: “We are recommending against all non-essential travel outside of Canada, including to the United States. Effective today, anyone who chooses to travel outside of Canada will be asked to stay away … Continued

In the hot seat: Firefighter sexual misconduct in the workplace

A recent review decision of British Columbia Labour Relations Board has highlighted the importance for employers of conducting a full investigation into misconduct before making a termination decision. In Vernon (City) (Re), BCLRB No. B133/2019, the Board upheld an arbitration panel’s decision to reinstate a fire captain who was dismissed for misconduct and dishonesty. The … Continued

Polls & Paychecks: Employers required to provide paid time off for Canadian federal election

It’s almost time to vote! With the federal election on October 21, 2019 quickly approaching, employers should familiarize themselves with their obligation to provide employees with paid time off to vote on election day. The Canada Elections Act provides that all employees who are “electors” are entitled to have three consecutive hours off work on … Continued