While the Industrial Inquiry Commission proceeds to settle school district support staff collective agreements, the same parties are preparing for hearings less than a month away, into the structure of bargaining for the future. These will be held on Commission appointed under Part 2 of the Public Education Support Staff Collective Bargaining Assistance Act to inquire into and make recommendations to the minister on the structures, practices and procedures for support staff collective bargaining in the public schools sector. The Commission, consisting again of Vince Ready and Irene Holden, will hold formal hearings on July 5 and 6 2000. Directions in the Minister of Labour’s appointment authorize the Commissioners to proceed with their duties under both this Commission and the Industrial Inquiry Commission to which they were appointed earlier, but to give first priority to their Industrial Inquiry Commission responsibilities. The appointment also requires the Commissioners to make its final report and recommendations to the minister by August 31, 2000 unless otherwise directed.
(Click here for link to Decision)
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